Add Routing Mode

Add routing mode is used to create multiple routings for a single process record. Suppose an entity, EntA, can travel to one of three locations depending on which is available first. Selecting the New Process mode and then defining the entity process causes the entity to travel from one location to another location. Selecting Add Routing mode afterwards allows you to define a different destination location within the same routing block.

How to add additional routings to an existing routing block:

1. Select the process record in the Process edit table that needs an additional routing line (you may use the Find Process button to locate the process record).

2. If you wish to insert the routing record rather than simply append the record to the current routing list, highlight the routing record where the routing is to be inserted and choose Insert from the Edit menu.

3. Select the Add Routing button from the Tools window. A rubber-banding line is created.

4. Select the entity in the Tools window to be output in this routing.

5. Click on the desired destination location. This creates a new routing record in the Routing edit table.

Please note

To cancel a routing once a rubber-banding line appears, click on the New Process button or click on the originating location.

How to route a current entity to exit:

1. Click the Add Routing button.

2. From the Tools window, select the entity for which you want to define a new process.

3. Click the Locations button in the process record dialog and select the location from which the entity will exit the system. ProModel creates a new process record in the edit table and displays a rubber-banding line from the selected location.

4. Add joints as needed to define the exit path.

5. Click the Route to Exit button in the tools dialog.